How to promote tourism in Pakistan

How to promote tourism in Pakistan

Tourism is traveling for pleasure and business. Tourism is actually traveling to another point for not more than a year or for at least 24 hour for an important purpose.(click here to read about sight seeing bus) Tourism is exploring Nature and having an adventure. Pakistan tourism sector has suffered the most over the year due to security measures. There was a great backlash regarding the incoming foreign people for tourism due to many factors like poor roads, life-threatening dangers that it be held. The Government of Pakistan has taken immense in promoting the tourism industry that will not help only economically, socially but also will generate positive perceptions about the country. Factors that will help to promote tourism are as follows:

Rehabilitation of  Historic Places:

Many historical places like Shalimar Garden, Rotan Fort, Rawat Fort, Altit Fort, Badshahi Mosque are the places which need more improvement and rehabilitation for tourist attraction sites. Our government must take strong measures for the rehabilitation of all these places.

Improved Infrastructure:

We have to improve our infrastructure and provide the necessary facilities to the tourists so that they can enjoy the exploration of Nature. Most of the tourists don’t visit far off places due to fear of lack of necessities.

Neat and Clean Landscapes:

As citizens of Pakistan, we have to overcome this major the problem of keeping our land neat and clean, as cleanliness is the major factor of attracting tourists.

Necessary Tourism Campaign:

We need to attract people to come to visit us. We need to encourage our tourism by doing a campaign like “ Tour Pakistan and witness the serenity yourself”, it will encourage people to explore Pakistan on a larger scale. Our influences also need to play an important role in it and it can be enhanced by sharing their experience to such sites.

Cooperation among Tourist:

There are many tours operator in the country, there main the purpose is to cooperate with one another  and to encourage each other. It can be increased by building contacts and attracts tourists by providing the best facilities.

So, these are the few ways to how we can enhance our tourism and play a vital role as Pakistani citizens.


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